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Welcome to Alice Springs Gurudwara Sahib , Australia
A Sikh temple or shrine is called a Gurudwara, that is, the House of God, the House of the Guru, where the Guru dwells. Its most essential element is the presence of the Guru. According to the Sikh faith, while prayers to God can be offered any time and anywhere, a Gurudwara is built particularly for congregational worship. Even a very small group of devotees inhabiting any place anywhere in the world would generally build a temple for them all to get together for religious or even for social purposes. The building could be as simple as a temporary shack or a small room in a house, depending on the resources of the local community. But the Sikhs would not stint in this matter, and they have, therefore, built beautiful and imposing gurudwaras some of which can accommodate hundreds of devotees. Most of their important shrines are connected with the ten Gurus or have other historical association and are great centers of pilgrimage.


Sikhi Mool Mantra


Ik Onkar : There Is One Creator oF This Universe

Satnaam: His Name Is Truth

Karta Purakh: He Is Flawless Creator

Nir Bhau: Not Afraid Of Anything

Nir Vair: Doesn't Hate Anyone

Akaal Murat: Shapeless, Formless, Boundary-less

Ajooni: Away From Birth-Death Cycle

Saibhang: Self-Creating, Self-Destroying

Gur Prasaad: Above is the Method of obtaining Wisdom

Our Aim & Objective
Promote awareness of Sikhism in our future generations and in Local Communities.

Establish charitable and welfare programs for the community in general and assist new Sikh migrants to settle in Alice Springs.

Organise activities connected with education and social development of the community.

Establish and support research programs, and provide scholarships to the students in need of further educations.

Contact Info

Contact: +61 0423 686 980 Contact: +61 439 340 770

Address: 64 Larapinta Drive, Araluen, Alice Springs 0870 Australia